Anyone who runs a business in the current age knows that a solid computer network is necessary for creating a successful company. These devices are needed for communication, storing and processing company data, international meetings, and for almost every other task you can think of.

This technology is the cornerstone of every modern business; however, that can make your digital tools the target for many hackers. Data has always been of high value, but this information can be used to cause harm in the wrong hands. As such, this article will look at some common security risks facing computers in 2023, so that you are best prepared for how to deal with them.


Phishing is a modern way of coaxing data and information out of people across the web. This is usually achieved by sending out spam emails that contain links or require the target to provide them with valuable information. This type of security breach is pretty common and has been around for a long time. Therefore, a lot of people know how to spot suspicious phishing emails. Although, there are a few things that you can do to protect yourself against phishing.

Firstly, it is important that you educate your staff about these types of attacks. That way, everyone in your company is prepared to avoid a phishing scam. Also, it helps to rotate and change passwords regularly. This can stop hackers from sending out phishing emails in the first place or prevent them from receiving accurate information if they are successful.


Ransomware is a harmful type of software that can block out a user from their device. This means that they are no longer in control of the data inside. Ransomware can be uploaded to your computer through phishing or by downloading it from the web. The person that designs the ransomware can then seize your data and withhold it until you pay a ransom sum, or you give them access to further data.

You can prevent ransomware by installing the correct antivirus protection onto your computer network. Again, it helps to educate your staff about the matter.

Software Vulnerabilities

Sadly, all computer programs will come with certain vulnerabilities. It is these vulnerabilities that hackers use to get at your data or to upload malicious software like ransomware. Fortunately, you can prevent these types of security breaches with the right kind of encryption software.

Fuzzing is a type of encryption software that you can use to reveal software defects, identify unwanted inputs in your systems, and scramble your data so that it can not be viewed by unwanted eyes. This type of application software is provided by ForAllSecure and is necessary for businesses in the digital age. This is especially true when you understand that every computer system has particular vulnerabilities.

Open Ports

Open Ports are the devices necessary for open communication between two devices. As with any other form of communication, passing information through another computer like this leaves behind a trail of data. Again, this data can be used against you in the wrong hands. That is why hackers will either pose as another person during open port communication or hijack an open port link to get hold of the data within.

You can prevent open port hacking by regularly scanning your open port systems and with other standard protection methods. These include changing passwords, knowing who has regular access to your open ports, and implementing a VPN.


Spyware is another malicious kind of software that can be uploaded onto your computer network to so that the hacker can monitor your computer activity. Like ransomware, this type of software can be placed on your network using a phishing email or by uploading the virus via download. Once the hacker has the virus in place, they can then choose to steal, hijack, or ransom your data for financial gain.

Again, you can prevent spyware with the correct antivirus software, by using fuzzing technology, or by rotating user passwords. As always, it always helps to keep your employees educated and informed about these matters so that everyone within your business is working to prevent these common security risks.


It may seem like there are too many types of security risks in computing for the average business to manage. Fortunately, these common issues already have perfectly legitimate counters. Now that you know what these common security risks are, you should also know how best to protect yourself from them. All it takes is a bit of diligent research. Also, every modern company should try to train their staff to stay on top of these potential issues. It is the best way forward for you as a business, and for anyone that needs to work in the digital age.