Your business has a website that is all singing and all dancing, it may have been redone, or it may be due to a facelift. However, is it personal to visitors and users? Does it engage viewers, and is it showing a softer, more human side to your business and operations? If you are not engaging with viewers and visitors (and you are not showing your human side), you will lose out to competitors. Your traffic will dry up, and you will struggle to form lasting connections. Acting and being decisive will be crucial to your efforts.

Use Customer Testimonials

Previous customers have connected with your business. They have reached out to you before, so why not use this information in customer testimonials? Customer testimonials can speak volumes about your business, and they can show how you handle customer transactions. Real customer testimonials that are voiced from the position of a customer will be engaging and helpful to visitors (and potential customers). This is what they need, and what they crave when they visit your website. Testimonials show that behind the words and website, there are individuals who are responsive, helpful, and caring.

Using Photos and Behind the Scenes Image

Your website already features images and photos but are these genuine, or are they stock images? Showing behind-the-scenes images and showing staff at work can help build valuable connections with customers and visitors to your website. For example, when you visit you will see photos of offices in use and of staff in their modern office. These real photos and images can allow visitors to your website to envisage themselves doing business with your company. This connection and relation are essential.

Make More of the About Us Page

You may already have a standard About Us page, but how much are you giving away on this page? Are you telling the history of your business? Are you mentioning how your business was formed and created? A lot of website visitors and traffic read the about us page before committing to make a purchase, so you must jump on this opportunity for engagement. On the about us page, you may find it beneficial to feature a timeline. This timeline can show visitors what you have been through to get your business to the point it is at today. Telling a story will once again allow for engagement with readers.

Have a Blog with Features

Blogs can engage your audience and visitors, and they can help people connect with your website and business. A blog that contains posts (written by staff) can be engaging. It can allow visitors to get an insight into what happens within a day at your business. Or it can allow visitors to learn more about the employees that work within your business. Blogs and blog posts that are engaging and regularly updated encourage human interaction, and they demonstrate the human side of your business. This is essential for forming strong relationships with clients and visitors alike.