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§ Hemophilia is a rare and complex disease which can make patients' lives challenging in many ways. In addition to the normal ups and downs of life, hemophilia patients must navigate stress, fear, and uncertainty around the possibility of injury, not to mention managing treatments which can oftentimes be quite burdensome.
§ Unfortunately, healthcare providers (HCPs) are not always aware of the challenges and stress their hemophilia patients face. Even the most caring and well-meaning of healthcare providers may simply not have the information available to truly understand what their patients are going through. In any doctor-patient relationship, the more the doctor understands the patient's world, the better their treatment can be tailored for the best possible outcomes .
§ With "", we shared new insights into the reality of patient's lives, in a clean, easy to navigate, and engaging interface that focuses on what Healthcare Providers are most interested in: the data. This new research showed that, while hemophilia treatments have improved significantly over the years, there is still a lot of opportunity better address the pain points of living with the disease.
§ In addition to the data, the site features updates on new types of treatments being investigated, shedding a positive and hopeful light on what the future could be like for those living with this rare condition. HCPs are drawn in through clear, easy-to-understand diagrams, video, and other content, to better understand what might be on the horizon.
§ By focusing on clear communication, a visually engaging interface, and prioritizing content that truly resonates with the users, has brought a new perspective to the Rare Bleeding Disorders landscape. And, site results have shown that it is working. User are engaging with the site at above-average levels compared to similar sites, and traffic to the site has been considerable above expectations given its limited promotional budget and a small disease state.
§ Finally, the site was supported by a multi-channel campaign approach spanning both patient and HCP audiences. Companion content was added to the clients existing Hemophilia Disease Education program, enabling patients to have informed discussions with their doctors. In addition, emails to both patients and HCPs helped raise awareness of the program and the newly available research.
The campaign has received a high level of engagement from users since launch, with website bounce rates below 20%, a higher than average repeat visit rate, and time on site metrics well above benchmarks. In addition, email drivers saw open rates of over 40%, all indicating a high degree of engagement by all user groups.

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